Ketogenic Diet

KETO Diet, How It Works

A keto diet is well known for being a low carb diet, where the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy. It is referred to as many different names – ketogenic diet, low carb diet, low carb high fat (LCHF), etc.

When you eat something high in carbs, your body will produce glucose and insulin. Glucose is the easiest molecule for your body to convert and use as energy so that it will be chosen over any other energy source. Insulin is produced to process the glucose in your bloodstream by taking it around the body.

Since the glucose is being used as a primary energy, your fats are not needed and are therefore stored. Typically on a normal, higher carbohydrate diet, the body will use glucose as the main form of energy. By lowering the intake of carbs, the body is induced into a state known as ketosis.

Ketosis is a natural process the body initiates to help us survive when food intake is low. During this state, we produce ketones, which are produced from the breakdown of fats in the liver.

The end goal of a properly maintained keto diet is to force your body into this metabolic state.

We don’t do this through starvation of calories but starvation of carbohydrates.

Our bodies are incredibly adaptive to what you put into it – when you overload it with fats and take away carbohydrates, it will begin to burn ketones as the primary energy source.

Optimal ketone levels offer weight loss, as well as a lot of health, physical and mental performance benefits.

KETO_DIET If I am slim and fit, that is what I gain

- I will have the immune system that works properly

- I will sleep well. Sleep is a major regulator of our metabolism. If our sleep is bad, so is our metabolic health.

- I can run if I want to and my knees cooperate

- I can finally wear “that dress”, suit with pants and even jeans!

- Clothes shopping can be fun

- Chairs seem larger

- I am rarely tired

- I will survive surgery and childbirth. People with a lot of body fat have a longer operation time and have a higher rate of serious postoperative complications. Surgery is a risky business for people who are obese.

And much more!

KETO_SAFE Side Effects and How to Minimize Them

Although the ketogenic diet is safe for healthy people, there may be some initial side effects while your body adapts.

This is often referred to as “keto flu” – and is usually over within a few days.

Keto flu includes poor energy and mental function, increased hunger, sleep issues, nausea, digestive discomfort and decreased exercise performance.

In order to minimize this, you can try a regular low-carb diet for the first few weeks. This may teach your body to burn more fat before you completely eliminate carbs.

A ketogenic diet can also change the water and mineral balance of your body, so adding extra salt to your meals or taking mineral supplements can help.

For minerals, try taking 3,000–4,000 mg of sodium, 1,000 mg of potassium and 300 mg of magnesium per day to minimize side effects.

At least in the beginning, it is important to eat until fullness and to avoid restricting calories too much. Usually a ketogenic diet causes weight loss without intentional calorie restriction.

Bottom Line: Many of the side effects of starting a ketogenic diet can be limited. Easing into the diet and taking mineral supplements can help.

And don't forget salt!

KETO Green Drink Video Recipe


Green cocktails will provide you with more energy by fulfilling nutritional deficiencies and by removing wastes that clog your cells, blood, tissues and organs. I firmly believe that even so called "healthy" people can live their lives at an even higher level of energy and mental concentration.

I eat mixed greens salad every morning with olive oil and balsamic vinegar and I always felt that it is like breathing fresh air into my cells. When I tried to add some more dark greens such as Collards, Kale, Swiss Chard and so on it appears those are not very easy chewable. Then I came across the idea of green cocktails made in a blender. Now I have worked out the best recipe for me. It is easy and very much like my mixed green salad. Here is my recipe with all pictures.

  • First I pour the water in a blender,
  • then add olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
  • I prepare greens
  • And then I put my greens gradually into the blender
  • And after I process them in the blender, I pour my lovely KETO green drink into a nice glass and drink it. It is quite thick so I use sometimes spoon too.

Occasionally I add: natural yogurt, olives, tomato. Basically experimenting with everything I like. But the base version is very good for my taste. So in the morning i would have it in a basic combination. For lunch or dinner I might add something else, even meat or boiled egg.

KETO Green Cocktails detox your cells, blood, tissues and organs naturally. Detoxifying Naturally and being in control of what you are actually put in your system. Prepare KETO Green Drinks by the easiest and most natural way possible by yourself. It would not be any harder than to make a green salad, in fact this recipe is a green salad in the blender.

Also KETO Green cocktails give energy by fulfilling nutritional deficiencies. We can live our lives at an even higher level of energy and mental concentration.

I eat mixed greens salad every morning with olive oil and balsamic vinegar and I always felt that it is like breathing fresh air into my cells. When I tried to add some more dark greens such as Collards, Kale, Swiss Chard and so on, it appears those are not very easy chewable. Then I came across the idea of green cocktails made in a blender. Now I have worked out the best recipe for me. It is easy and very much like my mixed green salad.

KETO Green drinks also have anti-infective properties, carry off acid wastes, neutralize body pH, and are excellent for mucous cleansing. They can help clear the skin, cleanse the kidneys, and purify and build the blood.

Chlorophyll is found naturally in the following:

Spirulina-Supposedly the oldest living plant on earth, it is loaded with carotenoids, essential fatty acids and digestive enzymes. It is also the highest source of protein at 60% and a good source of Vitamin B12. It is sold in health food stores, natural pharmacies, etc. in powder, tablets and capsules.

Chlorella-Also an ancient algae, it is the richest source of chlorophyll, contains 50-60% protein, all eight amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber and nucleic acids DNA and RNA. A study published in 1987 in “Artery” showed that it lowered cholesterol (due to high omega-3 content). It is also a powerful chelating agent as it binds to toxic substances and forces them to leave the body. It has a unique ability to strengthen the immune system, called CGF chlorella growth factor, that enables it to stimulate the production of white blood cells.

Wheatgrass is another green that is juiced. It requires a special juicer and is a very strong detoxifier. Wheatgrass juice has also been used in cancer therapy, especially when radiation treatment is involved.

KETO Green drinks and vegetable juices are potent fuel in maintaining good health.